Monday 9 June 2014

By This I Solemnly Swear

Some of you might have heard about the wonder that is the Clarisonic. If you haven't, it is my pleasure to fill you in.

The sciency stuff  about this face brush is basically that it uses a sonic frequency of more than 300 movements per second to remove impurities from your skin. In simple English, this brush exfoliates your skin better than any regular exfoliating wash does ,removing dead skin cells, reducing pores and breakout (Lord knows I need that), reducing wrinkles and leaving your skin clearer.

Knowing all this wonderfulness (I know that is not really a word but please permit me) was just at my finger tips, I was hell bent on purchasing one .... I was hell bent on it until I arrived at the website and realised that they go for between £100 to £180.

This was more than a bit of a problem as lord knows I wasn't willing and still am not willing to spend that much on a single tool. So I went on a mission to find something much cheaper and this is how I came across the Mary Kay Skinvigorate cleansing brush.

It pretty much does the same thing for less than half the price. £35 to be specific.

I have had the Skinvigorate for about 2 months now and I have to say I have had excellent results. My skin is starting to look so much better and clearer and I have much fewer spots. My hyper pigmentation seems to be getting a lot better too.

I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who is looking for an exfoliating tool that works; man or woman. In fact I solemnly swear by it.

 The product says you can use it up to twice a day every day but I find that is a bit much for me so I use mine 5 to 6 times a week.

The tool comes with two brush heads. It is recommended that you change the brush head every 3 months. Mary Kay stocks the brush heads.

The tool has two speeds, a fast one and a slower more gentle one. I personally just use the faster speed.

The brush head moves quickly in a clockwise motion.

 The brush comes with a set of AA batteries

Things to note

The Skinvigorate is waterproof so you can use it in the shower which is just excellent in my opinion.

The one downside to this product is something that is general to Mark Kay. It can be impossible to find a Mary kay consultant to purchase from. The good news is I have the hook up for you my dear dear dear readers. Send me an email at and I will make sure you can buy one ..because I love you and I'm just lovely. 

This is the first thing I have put up on my blog that is great for men too. yay


Tuesday 21 January 2014

Who is the Enemy?

First and foremost, all prayers warriors please stand down. This post is addressing a completely different kind of enemy. The enemy to which I refer reveals itself in the form of Hair straighteners,  blow-dryers, curling tongs and the like.

HEAT! Excessive direct heat is one of the biggest causes of damage to black hair. Heat breaks down the  cuticle layer of your hair which is there to protect the hair fibres and shaft. A damaged cuticle layer leaves hair dry, brittle, and riddled with split ends.

If you already have split ends, unfortunately there is not much to be done about them. The only real solution is to trim them off with a sharp pair of scissors, keep your hair moisturised and ideally avoid heat completely.

To try and avoid heat after a wash, a good tip is to let the hair air dry. This means after washing, detangle hair GENTLY with a large tooth comb, blot it dry GENTLY with a towel and leave it out to dry for as long as necessary. No heat involved.
To give hair a straight finish, wrap it round your head after moisturising and sealing and tie tightly with a head scarf overnight.

Now I bet all this is going in one ear and out the other for some of you who simply cannot imagine life without your hair straighteners and blow-dryers. If you absolutely must apply heat to your hair, here are a few tips to help protect your hair.

1. Invest in a good heat defence product and apply it from the root to tip of your hair before applying any heat. A good product is TRESemme's  heat defence styling spray. It protects your hair from heat to up to 230 degrees.

2. Use your blow dryer on medium to low heat. You don't need your hair to be crispy for confirmation that it is dry.

3. If you get a roller set, apply your heat defence as described and then protect your hair from direct heat with a perforated head scarf before going under the dryer.

Heat is the enemy people. Protect yourselves


Styling tools
 Heat Defence spray
                                                                Heat defence spray
                                                      Blow dryer on medium heat
                                                              Blow dryer on low heat
                                                                       Head Scarf

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New year Everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays.

I am not really one for new year resolutions but there are a couple of things I would like to see happen this year with regards to beauty.


I am starting on a hair challenge. The challenge is to retain at least 5 inches of my hair growth this year. I plan on achieving this by treating my hair Like.A.Bambino. No slacking off, No cutting corners, So help me God!
As I go along, I will let you guys know any new tips and tricks I discover. 
I have taken pictures of my hair as it is currently and I will take pictures again in December to see if I hit my target.
To my sister/brother Thomas who doubt it is possible to retain 5 inches in one year, I can tell you for a fact that it is. On average, hair grows around 6 inches in one year. Yes some people are on the lower end of the spectrum and others are on the higher end of it but the aim is to retain as much as you possibly can.
If anyone out there is interested, please feel free to join me on this challenge. Give it a shot and see what happens.


I am hoping to be able to permanently clear up spots and hyper pigmentation (dark marks after spots aka pimples  are gone) on my face this year. Again I will be sharing whatever works particularly well for me. Like with my hair, I have taken photos of my face as it is now to compare with my face in December when the challenge is done. Again, anyone who wants to come on this journey with me is welcome to do so.

And that's it! Hair like Rapunzel and a face like a baby's bum. That is not asking too much is it?

The best of luck to anyone out there who wants to go on this journey too. Please let me know in the comments if you are. It reminds me people are reading and encourages me to put up more posts, particularly relating to topics you enjoy.

P.S Let me know if you are interested in seeing current hair/face photos.