Thursday 29 August 2013

Moisturising and Sealing

Moisturising and Sealing (which I will refer to as M&S from here on out.......please reel your minds back in from Marks and Spencer......and their beautiful delicious food adverts. Adverts for perfectly golden roasted chicken with moist drumsticks glinting with delicious sticky honey, a drop of which is rolling down the side of the steaming bird.. and those decadent chocolate deserts th.... err where?, what was I? ....oh *clears throat*).

Like I have said many times before, dry hair is brittle hair and brittle hair WILL break.
I hear people go on about how their hair just does not grow. Really? If your hair didn't grow then pray tell, what is this undergrowth you are forever running to the salon to get touched up? (p.s relaxers are another topic for another day).
The fact is that everyone's hair grows. Retaining that growth is the tricky part thanks chiefly to dryness.

It is therefore extremely important that our hair gets moisture. What is the ultimate moisturiser? Water. This is another reason why regular washes are important.
Between washes though, we need to find ways to hydrate hair and keep it hydrated. Which is simply what M&S means. Moisturising to prevent dryness and keeping the moisture you have added locked/sealed in.

After a wash, when my hair is about 90% dry (almost completely dry but still a little damp to the touch), I moisturise. Now is the time I reach for that water based hair moisturiser. Taking small sections of hair, I apply moisturiser generously starting from the ends, up to the roots. Once a section is moisturised, I use some natural oils (Coconut mixed in with Castor) and seal in that moisture. Again from ends to roots, I cover each section with the oils. Move on to the next section and continue until the whole head is done.
The idea is to do this regularly even when I haven't done a wash (same method from dry).

I try to do this every other day but I have to confess that so far, I have tried and failed. It is just SO MUCH WORK! It is very important though so I am still working at it.  In the mean time though, I have discovered a little trick that has made my life considerably easier with regards to M&S and I will share in a future post.

Remember people, Moisturising and Sealing are like brother and sister, twins, they always go together. Never one or the other. Capisce?

Something to note

Some oils are weightier than others e.g. Castor/Olive Oil are heavy and so might weigh your hair down more than Argan/Coconut oil will.
Use whatever combinations you are happy with.

If I lost you at Marks and Spencer food adverts and you have absolutely no idea how to go about moisturising and sealing, let me know and I will make a tutorial video the next time I M&S.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

No Poo

I bet that title caught your attention! Relax, this post has got absolutely nothing to do with bodily functions and everything to do with the road to Rapunzel status.

No Poo, Co-Shampoo, Co-Wash, Co-Rinse. These terms all mean the same thing; Cleansing your hair with conditioner instead of shampooing. I know this concept might seem rather strange to  many of you reading this but stay with me, I shall explain.

Remember when we talked about keeping hair and scalp clean to encourage growth? Remember we also talked about the the horrible sulphates in shampoos that strip hair of all its natural oils leaving it feeling dry and and sometimes leading to breakage? Well, the way to get around this problem is co- washing. 

Most conditioners contain cleansing properties; enough to clean you hair along with the act of wetting/rinsing and massaging the hair.

The process is pretty simple

Step 1 - Wet hair
Step 2 - Apply conditioner, make sure the hair is covered from root to tip
Step 3 - Using the pad of your fingers, gently yet thoroughly massage your hair and scalp just as you would when shampooing.
Step 4 - Comb hair starting from the tips, up to the roots.
Step 5 - Rinse
Step 6 - Repeat if desired

For me, Co washing is not a complete replacement to shampooing. It only allows that I can wash my hair regularly but still have it healthy and happy. In my hair routine, I try to do a co- wash once every week. I do a shampoo once every two to three weeks and a deep conditioning treatment once every two weeks, depending on how my hair feels.

Something to note

Try to use silicone free conditioners to do co-washes as conditioners containing silicone encourage product build up in hair. Also, whatever conditioner you use does not have to be fancy or expensive. Cheap and cheerful conditioners are more than enough.

(Incase anyone was wondering why shampoos contain Sulphates considering they are so bad for the hair, Sulphates are what allow shampoos be so bubbly and foamy and all rubber dub dubby.)

Ok people, one technique down, many more to go. 

Please share your tips with me! And let me know what your thoughts are on co-washing.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Rapunzel Rapunzel, Let down your hair

Since my last post I have had so many hair related questions. "what is a hot oil treatment?', "how do you do a hot oil treatment?", "what other products can you recommend?". 

I finally decided it was best for all parties involved if I just did a series of posts on what I have been calling "my road to Rapunzel status". In the next few posts, I will be explaining what tools and techniques I have been using on my hair journey and hopefully you will get some good results from them too. 

To get started, there are a few basics any self respecting Rapunzel wannabe needs to own.

A wide tooth comb - This is pretty straight forward. You want to treat you hair as gently as possible. After your fingers, a wide tooth comb is the best tool for detangling hair. Always detangle you hair starting from your ends and working your way up. Patience is key people!

A pair of scissors - You need these to deal with split ends. There are various ways to manage split ends and I will be elaborating in a future post. Just buy some scissors ok?

A shower cap - You will need this for treatments as they generally require some sort of heat (instructions tend to be; 1. Put products in hair 2. add shower cap.). Shower caps help trap in body heat.  

A Satin scarf - I say satin scarf but what I actually use is a satin bonnet. A snug satin bonnet. A snug satin bonnet with strings to keep it tied to my head. I got tired of waking up every morning and literally LOOKING for my scarf! Satin scarves just cannot stay on my head through the night! *sigh*

Natural Oils - You already know about this don't you? Oils are extremely important to keep your hair healthy. Again, more details in a future post.

Moisturiser -  Hair needs moisture and you have to make sure to give your hair as much moisture as it requires. Dry hair is brittle and will break.
Remember to moisturise your hair strands from root to tip. Give your ends some extra loving. They are the oldest part of your hair, and frankly, they need the TLC to stay attached to your head.
Make sure to use a water based moisturiser. If you currently own any petroleum based hair products, please step away from whatever device you are reading this on, walk towards that product, pick it up and put it in the rubbish. Apple hair cream is NOT your friend.
You know a product is water based if the first ingredient on the list at the back of the product is water/aqua.

Shampoo - I dont believe this needs a lot of explaining. You need to keep you hair and scalp clean to encourage growth. A point to note is to avoid shampoos with high sulphate contents. Sulphates strip hair of the natural oils it produces and this my friends, is no bueno. We are looking to clean hair not dishes.
Again, refer to the ingredient list on the back of the product.
You also need to know exactly what the shampoo will do for your hair i.e cleansing, moisturising, volumising, e.t.c and use accordingly.

Conditioner - The only thing worth saying here is that the road to Rapunzel status is littered with conditioner bottles. You will go through A LOT of conditioner. 
Pay attention to if what you are buying is a leave in, rinse out, or deep conditioner all thee types have a place in the healthy hair journey. 

Deep conditioner - Protein is essential to prevent hair breakage. Deep conditioners / protein treatments help strengthen hair and so are extremely important for your hair.

Ok people, that was Rapunzel 101. I know it was a truck load of information but no one said the road to Rapunzel status would be easy. Personally, I am determined to grow this hair atop my head and I hope one or two of you will join in on the challenge. 


Tuesday 13 August 2013

By this I solemnly swear

A few months ago I started on a hair challenge; to grow and retain at least 5 inches of hair in one year and to find ways to make sure the growth is thick and healthy. I have researched and tried out many MANY "spells and potions"in these few months and I feel like I have finally found what works best for me. least for now.
I thought I'd share my "if you could pick one" product with you my lovely lovely people. My favourite product of the moment is *drumroll please*  Castor Oil!!!. Specifically, Black Jamaican Castor Oil. This oil has definitely worked wonders for my hair, especially in my nape which was a problem area.

I use castor oil mainly in three ways.

As a hot oil treatment

As a sealant after moisturising
For scalp massages to encourage circulation

If you decide to try Castor Oil, here are a few things to remember.

Ensure to get 100% natural castor oil

The darker the castor oil, the better. (This means the castor beans were roasted for a long period which leads to a high ash content in the oil. High ash content = good).
Castor oil is quite thick so you can thin it out by mixing it with other natural oils. I use coconut oil. 

If anyone out there has any good hair growth tips for me, please share.


( P.S If you were curious, my hair challenge is going really well. It looks like I just might meet my target guys! Wish me luck)

Friday 9 August 2013

Oh So Beautiful Face of the Day

Every now and again I will be putting up different makeup looks I have created, for your viewing pleasure. 

This lovely lady was going to a friend's wedding. She wanted a bold look that featured red and gold tones and would stay on all day. This is what I came up with.


Urban decay primer potion
On the mobile lid I used M.A.C's Cranberry
In the inner eyelid I used M.A.C's Ambering lights
The brow bone highlight is MUA's matte cream eyeshadow 
In the crease I used a dark brown from Sleek's Storm palette
On the outer V I used a matte black from Sleek's Storm palette 


M.A.C's Prep and Prime 
MUA's eyebrow pencil in brown
Revlon's Foundation 
M.A.C's Select coverup concealer
On the cheeks I used M.A.C's raizin
To contour I used Sleek's contour kit in dark
On her waterline I used MUA's black kohl pencil


M.A.C's Ruby Woo


Model's own

To non makeup users this probably seems like a TON of products. Never fear, you  really can pick and chose what eye products to use if you choose to recreate a look similar to this. As for the products I used on her face, we were going for a semi flawless look that would stay on all day in warm weather conditions. Again, you can choose to leave out a few of those products. My choices need only serve as a guide.

If you would like to see a video tutorial on this look, please let me know.


Wednesday 7 August 2013

Crisis Averted

Isn't it just the worst when you look in your makeup bag and somehow, possibly by the hands of mystical makeup gremlins, ALL of your makeup is covered in a fine dust of ghost of powder makeup past? 
Yes, this is a prime example of "first world problems" but it is a serious problem darn it, and it deserves a solution that works. 
This is how I put Humpty Blushy together again.

Broken blush. It had to be my favourite one aswell! (M.A.C's Raizin)

Wooden handle of a clean brush 

 Clean Sandwich bag and a paper towel.

Put victim in the sandwich bag,

Crush victim finely....

Like so....

Pour about a quarter of a cap of rubbing alcohol in the pan,

You can get rubbing alcohol in most shops. This one is from Pak. (£1.99)

Wrap a coin in paper towel

Press down on the blush/alcohol mixture to pack it in firmly and even out the surface

 Allow to dry overnight. 
Problem Solved, Crisis averted.

You're Welcome. xx

Tuesday 6 August 2013

My My, What beautiful brows you have

The numero uno makeup related question I get is "How do you get your brows to look like that?" I think this is the case for two reasons.

First and most important, my eyebrows look faa-bulous all day everyday and everybody just wants to know how I do it...LOL.

Seriously though, at around a week post Threading/Wax/Plucking session, my eyebrows lose that "just done" look and it is either still too soon to go back or I just cannot be bothered to make the trek all the way to my beauty salon to have them done.
I have a simple routine to keep them looking nice and clean in that time and just for you my dear readers, I have made a step by step video tutorial on what works for me.

p.s this does NOT work for never groomed/6 months post grooming session type brows.

p.p.s Girl get your behind to a beauty shop and get your eyebrows sorted! What is wrong with you??

Click on the video below for step by step instructions.

Now that you know, go out there and take over the world with those OhSoBeautiful eyebrows

                                            What you will need