Thursday 29 August 2013

Moisturising and Sealing

Moisturising and Sealing (which I will refer to as M&S from here on out.......please reel your minds back in from Marks and Spencer......and their beautiful delicious food adverts. Adverts for perfectly golden roasted chicken with moist drumsticks glinting with delicious sticky honey, a drop of which is rolling down the side of the steaming bird.. and those decadent chocolate deserts th.... err where?, what was I? ....oh *clears throat*).

Like I have said many times before, dry hair is brittle hair and brittle hair WILL break.
I hear people go on about how their hair just does not grow. Really? If your hair didn't grow then pray tell, what is this undergrowth you are forever running to the salon to get touched up? (p.s relaxers are another topic for another day).
The fact is that everyone's hair grows. Retaining that growth is the tricky part thanks chiefly to dryness.

It is therefore extremely important that our hair gets moisture. What is the ultimate moisturiser? Water. This is another reason why regular washes are important.
Between washes though, we need to find ways to hydrate hair and keep it hydrated. Which is simply what M&S means. Moisturising to prevent dryness and keeping the moisture you have added locked/sealed in.

After a wash, when my hair is about 90% dry (almost completely dry but still a little damp to the touch), I moisturise. Now is the time I reach for that water based hair moisturiser. Taking small sections of hair, I apply moisturiser generously starting from the ends, up to the roots. Once a section is moisturised, I use some natural oils (Coconut mixed in with Castor) and seal in that moisture. Again from ends to roots, I cover each section with the oils. Move on to the next section and continue until the whole head is done.
The idea is to do this regularly even when I haven't done a wash (same method from dry).

I try to do this every other day but I have to confess that so far, I have tried and failed. It is just SO MUCH WORK! It is very important though so I am still working at it.  In the mean time though, I have discovered a little trick that has made my life considerably easier with regards to M&S and I will share in a future post.

Remember people, Moisturising and Sealing are like brother and sister, twins, they always go together. Never one or the other. Capisce?

Something to note

Some oils are weightier than others e.g. Castor/Olive Oil are heavy and so might weigh your hair down more than Argan/Coconut oil will.
Use whatever combinations you are happy with.

If I lost you at Marks and Spencer food adverts and you have absolutely no idea how to go about moisturising and sealing, let me know and I will make a tutorial video the next time I M&S.

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